Author Archive: Stuart Lane

Camp Diary – 27th Sept 2016

InfraStrata makes a press statement

InfraStrata tells us what we knew… they are broke and bailing outThe goal is actually to try it out first cialis 40 mg for watching how your body responds to it. of oil and gas exploration all together. Statement made on their website.


Camp Diary – 26th Sept 2016

The day was Lush!


The lovely folk from Lush came to say hi and made a video and this lovely article.

Great to have your support, thanks for dropping in!

How Can You Help?


Pop by and say hello! The campaigners love the company and if you can, check out the daily wish list, you might be able to help bring something along that they need.

Wish List and Camp Updates:
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Swanage Protection Camp

Help us fund our camp and campaign via Crowdfunder:

Sign Our Petition